


I'm Yume, 22, Italian, she/her only🌸
I'm a cosplayer, make-up artist, roleplayer and (sometimes) an artist.🥀
I'm here mostly just to enjoy fandom content and support artists and friends.
My main interests are:
FF7, DMC, Hazbin Hotel, Hannibal, Resident Evil, Silent Hill, Winx Club, Good Omens, YOU, Prodigal Son, Jessica Jones, Evillious Chronicles, Vocaloid.
My fav ships are:
Sefikura, Zakkura, Strifesodos, Strifeheart, anything involving Cloud Strife, Spardacest (especially Danero and NeroV), Hannigram, Ineffable Husbands, Charlastor, Radioapple, Aeon, Metaltango, Chrisker, Wintersberg, Serennedy, Blootor
I ship a lot of other things but they're not brainrots.


I'm pretty shy and chill and I don't interact a lot through comments due to my social anxiety, so I apologize if I’m slow with replies.
I mainly rt what I like, but occasionally I post some cosplays and irl selfies as well when I feel confident.
I try to tw stuff but I forget to most of the time, sorry.
I don’t use tone tags.
I rt a lot of NSFW, kinky stuff and problematic content (always fictional!): non/dub-con, incest, heavy BDSM, gore, teratophilia etc., also I rt a lot about my main ships, so beware if any of this makes you uncomfortable!
Also, being ESL (and dumb), I apologize for any grammar mistakes I might commit.


I block VERY freely and easily.
I block anyone I see with homophobic/transphobic/racist/ableist/
misogynist/pedofilic/anti behaviors, or if you just make me uncomfortable.
I don’t condone any form of irl violence/harassment/drama/whatever toxic behavior.
If you find yourself blocked:
you probably said or agreed with something that suited the description above.
Also, for reasons, Cloti, Clerith and Cleon are ships that squick me, so if your account is about those and you find yourself blocked, just know it's nothing personal, I just want my tl clean.
PLEASE stay the hell away if you think fiction affects reality, or that it’s okay to harass/bully people over fiction, or that fictional characters have any morality/rights.
I want none of that here.
Last but not least, begone if you’re a minor.

With that said, enjoy your stay!

If you want to support my works,
you can find more on my Instagram @yumeyyoru! Link below💖

© Untitled. All rights reserved. Images by Unsplash and Linea.